Incremental Innovation
- Step-by-step process
- Concept, Demonstrator, Operations
- Integral focus on line manufacture
- IT’S TIME … to donate

To fund the development of Sky Hopper we are going through distinct stages. These embed our innovation and outreach initiative across its multi-disciplinary elements. A short description is provided on this page, click on each heading for more detail on how we propose to innovate through our demonstrator project to reach our goal.
1. Early stage concept, design scoping and operations analysis. (Now complete)
Outline scoping of the elements of the task including aerodynamic modelling. Recruiting team associates with the skills required for our build. Identifying and reducing uncertainty and risk for production manufacturing.
This stage has been funded by the personal investment of our founders. It is now complete.
2. Demonstrator stage – structures, electronics and first flight. (Underway now – see latest news page)
The construction of three demonstrator vehicles. Technical scope, certification design and construction. The development of a remotely piloted capability (RPAS) with capacity to test beyond visual line of site operations (BVLOS). Integration of development cycle with manufacturing resource planning and costing.
Funding for this stage has begun through further private donations and early sponsorship. We are now running a pledge campaign. This includes bonus rewards for those who make a pledge. Please click here to find out more.
3. Equity investment stage – flight proving and operations (Equity release has begun, please contact us to find out more)
Our third stage of funding will involve an Enterprise Investment Scheme. We plan to move into this stage at a point where we can offer investors a clear understanding of the innovation risks involved in flight proving and operational use of our vehicle. Integrated with this will be a well-defined manufacturing plan for line production.
If you are a potential investor and want to find out more, please contact us.
Please also now go to our pledge funding page! We need you help