The Regulatory Challenge
- Vehicle certification is a goal from day one
- Operational certification is built into our plan
- Supporting the process of UAV regulation
- IT’S TIME to take up the challenge

The Sky Hopper design team have had early discussions with the CAA and NATS in the UK. Both organisations take an enlightened attitude to the use of unmanned aerial systems, with the hope that the industry can take a lead in global development.
Certification of our vehicle will be a core purpose of our demonstrator vehicle design process. By taking a risk management approach and following existing aerospace industry processes we can work with the regulators to assure the safety levels that will be required.
Operational regulations for civil UAVs are at an early stage and there will have to be a level of mutual progression through joint working to obtain operational approvals. The UK CAA has a well-worked out framework in place to allow us to achieve this.
A core purpose of our initiative is to help develop certification and regulatory parameters that will govern all UAS designs and operations. We hope to be a lead player in this process, and you can be a party to that.
Please consider pledging a donation through our funding campaign and claiming your reward.