• A demonstrator project
  • Leading to first flights
  • Building equity through knowledge
  • IT’S TIME to share the effort

The Sky Hopper Initiative is a demonstrator project. Our first goal is to build three vehicles:

  1. An engineering and structures prototype – achieved through summer 2018. We now
    have a refined CAD model for production manufacturing in its final preparation stages.
  2. An electronics and avionics prototype – under development now, winter 2018/19
  3. A first flight test vehicle. Planned for summer 2019 following our fund-raising equity release.

We believe the equity in knowledge and technique that we will build through these demonstrators will prove the case for the investment to develop a commercial system. We have backed up this conviction by investing our own capital in our initial design and two early models investigating flight control and mass distribution.

While there are still unknowns in this venture, we are confident that these are surmountable.

Will you come along for the ride?